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General Terms and Conditions

Company Number: BE 1001.709.595

The content of this site, including trademarks, logos, designs, data, product or company names, texts, images, etc., is protected by intellectual property rights and belongs to Alteredesign® or legitimate third parties.


Welcome to Alteredesign® (hereinafter referred to as "We" or "Our"). These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") govern the use of our design, space planning, renovation, and decoration services (hereinafter referred to as "Services") in Belgium. By engaging our services, you fully and unconditionally accept these Terms.


2.1. We are committed to providing design, space planning, and decoration services tailored to your needs as agreed in a contract, specific proposal, or specifications attached to the contract. Any modifications to the agreed services must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties.

2.2. We reserve the right to subcontract all or part of the services to qualified third parties/partners, but remain responsible for the overall quality of the service.


3.1. A quote is provided by Alteredesign® for each project. The quote is free and non-binding. The quote is valid for a maximum duration specified on the quote from its date of issuance.

3.2. The quote is accepted by the client through physical/digital signature, which also implies acceptance of these general terms and conditions.


4.1. Rates and payment terms are defined in a quote or contract. Payments must be made in accordance with these terms.

4.2. Any delay in payment may result in late fees and/or suspension of services.

4.3. The prices indicated do not include applicable taxes, such as VAT in Belgium, unless otherwise specified.

4.4. We reserve the right to require a deposit of 10% to 15% of the total amount or, if necessary, full payment at the time of contract signing.


5.1. All intellectual property rights related to creations, designs, and documents produced as part of our services remain our property, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

5.2. You may use the deliverables for personal or commercial purposes in accordance with the agreed terms, but you may not reproduce, distribute, or use them for any other purposes without our written consent.


We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your sensitive information. All confidential information shared in connection with our services will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.


7.1. We strive to provide high-quality services but cannot guarantee specific results. Our liability is limited to direct damages resulting from our gross negligence.

7.2. The completed project is guaranteed by Alteredesign® and/or by the third parties/partners/craftspeople/collaborators to the extent of their respective contributions.

7.3. We shall not be liable for indirect damages, loss of profits, loss of data, or any other financial or commercial harm.

7.4. Any urban planning permits or prior authorizations are to be obtained by the client and are applicable during the execution of the services outlined in the contract, unless otherwise agreed in writing.


8.1. Contracts or service agreements may be terminated in accordance with the agreed terms. In case of termination, any outstanding payments will be due.

8.2. We reserve the right to terminate a contract if you do not comply with these terms or if we are unable to provide the agreed services due to reasons beyond our control.


These Terms are governed by Belgian law. Any disputes arising from these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts in Belgium.


10.1. Pre-Inspection: The client acknowledges having conducted a pre-inspection of the premises before the start of the renovation work. The client is required to inform us in writing of any concerns or pre-existing defects before the work begins.

10.2. Acceptance of Work: The client agrees to inspect the completed work within a reasonable time after its completion. If the client finds defects or issues, they must notify us in writing within 10 days of the completion of the work. Alteredesign® commits to addressing these defects within a reasonable time.

10.3. Exclusion of Liability: Alteredesign® will not be liable for damages, losses, or claims arising from:

a. Pre-existing structural issues not directly related to the renovation work.

b. Improper use or handling of installations or materials after the completion of the work.

c. Any modifications made by the client or a third party to the work/services performed by Alteredesign® without written consent and/or after the contract has been signed by both parties.

d. Any delays caused by circumstances beyond its control, such as natural disasters, strikes, supplier failures, etc.

e. Any quality defects in materials provided by the client.

10.4. Limitation of Liability: To the maximum extent permitted by Belgian law, our total liability to the client, whether under this contract or otherwise, will be limited to the total amount paid by the client for the renovation services.

10.5. Indemnification: The client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the contractor, its employees, subcontractors, and agents against any claims, losses, damages, or liabilities arising from the use of the renovated premises after the completion of the work.

10.6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This contract is governed by Belgian law. Any disputes arising from this contract will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Belgian courts, competent based on the location where the work is performed.


We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time. Changes will be communicated in writing and will take effect from the date specified in the notification.


For any questions or concerns regarding these general terms and conditions, please contact us at:

By engaging our services, you confirm that you have read, understood, and accepted these general terms and conditions.